Kellee & Isaiah Markwell
The Markwell Team at Lagonda Creek Real Estate, LLC
CALL OR TEXT Kellee (937) 360-3767 Isaiah (937) 360-8209
Choose the RIGHT Real Estate Agent...
When choosing a Real Estate Agent the most important thing to look for is trust. You have to be able to trust that your Realtor has your best interests and goals in mind, and not their own. There are clear differences between Realtors who just want to sell homes, and Realtors who want to help people. Knowing what motivates your Real Estate Agent should be a clear indicator of their intent and actions.
You can TRUST the Markwell Team at Lagonda Creek to respect you and your time and to tell you the truth - Good News or Bad; it's important when buying or selling to know that your agent is transparent and giving you information you can count on.
We are Kellee and Isaiah Markwell - Mother and Son Real Estate Team. We center our family and our business on principals of integrity and trust. We care about helping people, as our collection of testimonials show. Call us - we can help you too